Home Therapies

Home Therapies Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is an available option for patients requiring renal replacement therapy . It allows individuals to play a key role in therapy whilst remaining in a familiar home environment.
As part of our commitment to supporting patients and their carer's, Fresenius Medical Care has developed the P3 program. The core goal of this program is to support users to protect, preserve and prolong the peritoneal membrane throughout all aspects of peritoneal dialysis therapy – thereby improving their quality of life while aiming to extend their time on peritoneal dialysis.
The P3 programme ensures that, Fresenius Medical Care is well positioned to support local clinicians to provide ongoing, individualised patient centred peritoneal dialysis therapy through the delivery of:
• Easy-to-understand peritoneal dialysis systems
• Preserve peritoneal membrane through reduced exposure to glucose degradation products (GDP)1
• Prolong Individual state-of-the art therapies for fluid balance control and guided prescription modelling
Our peritoneal dialysis systems have are convenient to use while improving patient compliance. Supported by environmentally friendly materials that are PVC-free , these systems allow maximum flexibility in prescription management.
Reduced exposure to glucose degradation products has been associated with preserving the peritoneal membrane and low infection rates.1
Our hydration status assessment with the Body Composition Monitor (BCM) together with the guided prescription modelling of PatientOnLine to individually adjust therapy.2
Fresenius Medical Care PD systems offer the flexibility to meet the changing needs of the patients over time.
• Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
• Patients perform multiple exchanges over a 24-hour period which results in the peritoneal membrane always being in contact with peritoneal dialysis fluid.
• Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD)
• Patients usually perform therapy overnight. A cycler is used to perform the exchanges. The sleepsafe cycler has the flexibility to deliver a variety of therapies as outlined below including:
Adapted APD - a sleep-safe cycler is used to incorporate cycles of different dwell length and fill volume to facilitate improved small molecule clearance and increase peritoneal membrane ultrafiltration.2
1.Johnson DW, Brown FG, Clarke M, Boudville N, Elias TJ, Foo MW, Jones B, Kulkarni H, Langham R, Ranganathan D, Schollum J, Suranyi M, Tan SH, Voss D; balANZ Trial Investigators. Effects of biocompatible versus standard fluid on peritoneal dialysis outcomes. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2012 Jun;23(6):1097-107. Epub 2012 Mar 22. PubMed PMID: 22440906.
2.Fischbach M, lssad B, Dubois V, Taamma R. The beneficial influence on the effectiveness of automated peritoneal dialysis of varying the dwell time (short/Iong) and fill volume (small/Iarge): a randomized controlled trial. Peri Dial lnt 2011; 31(4):450-8.

Home Haemodyalsis
Compared with haemodialysis that occurs at a medical centre, home haemodialysis allows both the frequency of treatment and the duration of treatment to be increased to meet the individual patient's needs. Both factors contribute to improving patient outcomes and quality of life.1
Fresenius Medical Care has extensive experience in haemodialysis and provides a range of innovative products. Our products for home haemodialysis are characterised by simple handling, comprehensive and easy-to-understand training.
Products for home haemodialysis:
Machine 4008S
Machine 5008S
Jun M et al. Am J Kidney Dis 2012 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print]
More information
For in-depth information about Fresenius Medical Care visit the freseniusmedicalcare.com international website.